Moving In

Chapter 10: Moving In and Settling Down

Planning and Organizing Your Move

After closing on your new home, it’s time to plan and organize your move. To ensure a smooth transition, consider the following steps:

  1. Set a moving date: Choose a moving date that works best for you and your family, taking into account factors like work schedules, school calendars, and any necessary travel arrangements.
  2. Hire a moving company or rent a truck: Depending on your budget and preferences, you may decide to hire a professional moving company or rent a truck and handle the move yourself. Obtain quotes from multiple movers or rental companies and make a reservation well in advance of your moving date.
  3. Sort and declutter: Moving is an excellent opportunity to declutter and downsize your possessions. As you pack, sort through your belongings and determine what to keep, sell, donate, or discard.
  4. Obtain packing materials: Collect boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and other necessary packing materials. You can often find free or low-cost boxes from local businesses or online marketplaces.
  5. Pack strategically: Pack your belongings room by room, labeling boxes clearly with their contents and intended destination in your new home. Consider packing an essentials box with items you’ll need immediately upon arrival, such as toiletries, clothing, and important documents.

Setting Up Utilities and Services

As you prepare to move into your new home, it’s crucial to set up utilities and services, including:

  1. Electricity and gas: Contact the utility providers serving your new home to set up service, transfer existing accounts, or close old accounts if necessary.
  2. Water and sewer: Notify the local water and sewer department of your move, and arrange for service to be connected or transferred to your name.
  3. Trash and recycling: Research local trash and recycling services and schedule pickups for your new home.
  4. Internet, cable, and phone: Contact providers to set up or transfer service, and schedule any necessary installations or equipment deliveries.
  5. Change of address: Submit a change of address form with the United States Postal Service to ensure your mail is forwarded to your new home. Update your address with banks, credit card companies, insurance providers, and other important contacts.

Making Your New House a Home

After moving in, focus on making your new house feel like a home by:

  1. Unpacking and organizing: Unpack your belongings, starting with essential items and gradually working your way through each room.
  2. Personalizing your space: Decorate your new home with personal touches, such as artwork, family photos, and favorite furnishings, to make it feel uniquely yours.
  3. Meeting your neighbors: Introduce yourself to your new neighbors and start building relationships within your community.
  4. Exploring your new surroundings: Get to know your neighborhood and local amenities, such as parks, schools, grocery stores, and restaurants.

Key Takeaways:

  • Plan and organize your move by setting a moving date, hiring a moving company or renting a truck, decluttering, obtaining packing materials, and packing strategically.
  • Set up utilities and services, such as electricity, gas, water, sewer, trash, recycling, internet, cable, and phone, before moving into your new home.
  • Submit a change of address form with the USPS and update your address with important contacts.
  • Make your new house feel like a home by unpacking, personalizing your space, meeting neighbors, and exploring your new surroundings.