House Hunting

Chapter 5: House Hunting and Property Viewing

Online Search and Listings thru agent recommendation.

In today’s digital age, the internet is an invaluable tool for house hunting. Many websites and apps allow you to search for properties based on your criteria, such as location, size, price, and specific features. Some popular platforms include Zillow, Trulia, and

When searching online, make sure to set up alerts for new listings that match your preferences, so you can act quickly when a suitable property becomes available. In addition, consider following local real estate agents and agencies on social media for updates on new listings and open houses.

Attending Open Houses and Private Showings

Open houses and private showings are your opportunities to view properties in person, evaluate their condition, and determine if they meet your needs and preferences.

Here are some tips for making the most of property viewings:

  1. Schedule viewings strategically: Plan your visits to maximize efficiency, grouping properties in the same neighborhood or area. This will save you time and help you compare homes more effectively.
  2. Take notes and photos: Document each property’s features, pros, and cons to help you remember the details and compare homes later. If permitted, take photos or videos to supplement your notes.
  3. Evaluate the property’s condition: Pay close attention to the home’s overall condition, including the age and functionality of appliances, the quality of finishes, and any signs of water damage or structural issues.
  4. Ask questions: Don’t hesitate to ask the seller’s agent or homeowner questions about the property, such as the age of the roof, any recent renovations, or the reason for selling.
  5. Be observant: Take note of the neighborhood and its surroundings, including noise levels, nearby amenities, and the condition of neighboring properties.

Evaluating Potential Properties

After viewing multiple properties, you’ll need to evaluate and compare them to determine which one best meets your criteria. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating potential homes:

  1. Priorities and deal-breakers: Refer back to the list of priorities and deal-breakers you created in Chapter 4. Determine if the property meets your essential criteria and if any compromises are acceptable.
  2. Home inspection results: If you’ve reached the stage of conducting a home inspection, review the findings to identify any significant issues or necessary repairs that could impact your decision.
  3. Resale potential: Consider the home’s potential for appreciation and resale value. Factors such as location, neighborhood growth, and the overall condition of the property can influence its long-term value.
  4. Emotional connection: While it’s important to make a rational decision based on facts and figures, it’s also essential to choose a home that you feel emotionally connected to and can envision yourself living in for years to come.

Key Takeaways:

  • Online search and listings are invaluable tools for house hunting, allowing you to browse properties based on your criteria and set up alerts for new listings.
  • Attending open houses and private showings enables you to view properties in person and evaluate their condition, layout, and overall suitability for your needs.
  • When evaluating potential properties, consider factors such as your priorities and deal-breakers, home inspection results, resale potential, and emotional connection to the home.
  • Document each property’s features, pros, and cons, and ask questions to gain a better understanding of the property and its condition.